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The Meadows School Libraries: 9th Grade

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*Off campus access requires "Meadows Discovery Search" username and password found in our Google document, "2022-23 Off Campus Database Passwords."

9th Grade Home Page

LibGuides for 9th Grade


Literature and Composition Research

       Plagiarism and Copyright

       Current Events and Fake News

History (Mr. Zimring)


Science (Mr. Schafer and Instructor Cotter)

         Biology Research

Geometry (Ms. Paine)


   Pear Deck (Can be used with Google Slides Presentations)

   Meadows Online Classroom (Canvas) - You must be logged into your school email before clicking this link. 

World Languages (French, Spanish, and Latin)




Quick Links to Databases

Evaluating Sources

When you want to know whether or not a resource will be useful to you, remember to think like A-CRAB. Consider the following qualities:

  • A uthority (Who is the author of the content (not the webmaster)? What organization or institution published the content?)
  • C urrency (Do you see a copyright date that is current? Are the links up to date or broken?)
  • elevance (Is the content relevant to the website and what you're researching?)
  • A ccuracy (What is the purpose of the website and web page you wish to use information from? Are the sources credited?
  • B ias (Is the information presented bias or opinion?)