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The Meadows School Libraries: Research

Research Tips and Tricks

(Image by The Blue Diamond Gallery, license under Creative Commons)

Start your research here:

  • Coming Soon!: Read our Research Tips to find out how to get the best information and keep it all organized.

  • Learn how to use the UNLV Libraries for your own research.

Direct link to NoodleTools

Click on the logo and refer to the NoodleTools Guide for directions to get started. 

Create a new project in NoodleTools using Chicago/Turabian style. Name it something descriptive of your project.

Add your research question to your dashboard.

Share your project with the class drop box so that your teacher and the librarians can follow your progress.

Note: ALL in-process bibliographic assessments will be made based on what appears in your project lists on the date and time that they are due. Your activity in NoodleTools is time-stamped.