First, you'll need to get an overview of your topic. A general or specialized reference source (an Encyclopedia, Almanac, or Atlas etc.) can be a great place to start.
Consider your search terms carefully. For example, try searching "Mao Tse Tung" in addition to Mao Zedong.
*Off campus access requires "Meadows Discovery Search" username and password found in our Google document, "2024-25 Off Campus Database Passwords." Searches will include search results from EBSCO's database, MEDLINE Complete if relevant.
If you're searching a database that contains many different types of materials (like ABC-Clio's World History or Gale's World History in Context), make sure to filter your results for REFERENCE articles.
- Gale's World History in Context: primary resources, reference articles, and full-text articles with a world scope.
If you don't know how a particular scholar's vocabulary is being used or you need to check a quick definition, use our web-based dictionaries.
Qi Huang, E-Resources Librarian at The Harker School